Tango-ing with Trines ~ 30 Jun 2013

Are you ready to tango? In the next weeks, a series of notable trines occur involving Mr. Action (Mars) and Mr. It’s Not Bragging If It’s True (Jupiter).

Jupiter trines Saturn on 17 July.

The grand planet gets to go first here, much to the chagrin of Mars. Oh yeah, Jupiter also trines Neptune this very same day; and that’s a grand trine.

> Expect the gears to be well-greased, resistance to fade, and optimism to rise.

> Look for the intersections of politics and religion and of religion and spirituality to arrange some sort of ecumenical understanding. Or at least there’s hope of détente, olive branches and cooperation.

> On the personal level: suck in inspiration, imagine on paper (on paper really is superior to doing so on a computer), create, fantasize, meditate. All of this of course, with the agenda of creating an increasingly functional and rewarding life ahead.

Mars trine Neptune on July 20th.

Being the competitive sort that he is, Mars also works out a trine with Saturn at the same time. No stinking Jupiter’s going to get a grand trine leg up on Mars, that’s for sure.

> What a time for politicians to redistrict. Boundaries could be redrawn for cities, counties and countries. Plans to reach deeper into space might occur. Those astronauts NASA recently selected might give a whale of a press conference. And someone other than Justin Beiber might sign up to go into space.

> The wheels turn on the tracks without grinding. Following seas prevail. Life without turbulence can exist if one reads the terrain and follows the natural (of nature) flow. The tao tingles as if a plugged in neon sign.

> Paint: Neptune oversees oil paints; the water signs imply water colors. Your choice... just choose and paint. Sculpt with glass. Try welding as an art form. Go igneous. Pick up and pursue any creative effort you’ve always wanted to do. Yes, Mars is involved. Maybe stick with it for more than an hour, or a day, or a week.

Mars conjunct Jupiter on July 21st.

Here, Mars tells Jupiter he really didn’t appreciate the fact that he trined Saturn first. Jupiter tells Mars to let it go and move on. Jupiter also points out that Mars does not even want to get into a grand trine comparing contest with him. With an indifferent shrug, Mars moves on and Jupiter yells at him to get something done without pissing people off. Mars fires back a dirty look, really wanting, but not daring, to render the one finger salute.

> This is the Mae West “too much of a good thing can be wonderful” era. Is “more is better” a true axiom? Can action and indulgence slalom downhill with a tail wind on a set of freshly waxed skis and still have time to perceive the trees along the way, especially the ones dead ahead?

> While speed/action/progress records might be broken, did you enjoy the ride and were you able to absorb any of the experience? Or was it like rain water barreling down a parched hill with no chance to fill barrels?

> Connecting dots, understanding sequencing, pacing the race of life, and controlling one’s inner throttle top the list of tasks at hand.

Mars makes a trine the lunar north node on August 1st.

As well, he trines Chiron. That’s right. He makes another grand trine. No doubt Mars gives Jupiter a glance askance to see if he notices. Not a chance of that. Jupiter is now busy, preparing for his rather immediate opposition to Pluto and the square to Uranus about three weeks away.

> Definitions and standards for the medical/healing/natural products industries might grab the headlines. Issues regarding labeling of GMO’s return.

> Define your own healing modality. Establish protocols for overcoming any sense of not being enough, whether it be clever enough, tall enough, handsome enough, smart enough, savvy enough or any other not enough. Get on with affirming that you are enough based upon actions taken blended with goals fulfilled and soul filling destinations achieved. These accomplishments are real, tangible and undeniable. Your continuing progress depends upon your personal decks being clear of psychic tripping hazards.

> With healing in your rear view mirror, set your sights forward. Define goals. Declare intentions - big intentions that match up with the reason you chose to incarnate in this lifetime. Make your purpose number one. Do something to advance that purpose each and every day. Locate your inner lodestone. Align with the beacon of the lighthouse that is your inner voice.

You ready to Tango? The trines are.